
First & Last Name:
City, State, Zip: ,

How long have you been practicing yoga?

Note - It is required that you have been practicing some form of flow yoga for at least one year.

Where do you typically practice?

How many times a week do you commonly practice?

Who is your favorite instructor that you regularly practice with? and why are they your favorite? Please give details about the style of yoga that you like, and the qualities of the instructor that attract you to them.

Please provide a detailed answer with 8 to 10 sentences.

Describe the best power / flow class you've ever taken. Please provide details about a specific class - one that is memorable and resonated well with you. What was memorable about it? Why does that class stand out in your mind?

Please provide a detailed answer with 8 to 10 sentences.

Do you currently teach any classes?

If so, where? How often? and how long have you been teaching for?

Do you have any other fitness or yoga certifications? Please list certification(s), date(s) and details.

What would you like to achieve by taking the Reed Certification program?

Please provide a detailed answer with 8 to 10 sentences.

Why do you want to become certified?

Please provide a detailed answer with 8 to 10 sentences.

If you would prefer to complete your application using Microsoft Word click here.